Institute of Sports Sciences Punjab

Welcome to the Institute of Sports Sciences Punjab (ISSP), a pioneering initiative aimed at certifying and enhancing the skills of coaches in Punjab. With a vision to fill the void of a government-certified coaching institution, ISSP stands as a beacon of legitimacy and excellence in the realm of sports coaching.

Challenges in the Coaching Landscape

Punjab lacked a government institution dedicated to certifying coaches, leaving a gap filled by numerous private organizations offering certifications. This raised concerns about the legitimacy of certifications, prompting the need for an independent licensing and certifying authority at the government level. ISSP emerges as the solution to bridge this gap and bring credibility to coaching certifications.

Objectives of ISSP

Certification for Coaches:

ISSP aims to certify coaches through a recognized institution, ensuring the authenticity and quality of coaching credentials.

Training for Coaches:

ISSP caters to both aspiring and seasoned coaches, providing fundamental coaching techniques for beginners and raising experienced coaches to international standards.

Level 1 Coaching Course Content

Duration: 01 Week (06 Working Days)

Introduction to Sports and Exercise Science:
  1. Overview of key concepts in sports science
  2. Understanding the role of sports science in coaching.
Human Anatomy & Kinesiology:

Essential knowledge for coaches on anatomy and kinesiology.

Nutrition & Performance:

Insights into nutrition's impact on athletic performance.

Physiological Assessment:

Techniques for conducting physiological assessments.

Training Program Design:

Crafting effective training programs aligned with athlete goals.

Communication Skills:

Developing crucial communication skills for coaches.

Hands-on Practical Sessions:

Real-world case studies and practical application of theoretical knowledge.

Key Areas of Focus

Performance Enhancement:

Utilizing evidence-based training methods to boost athlete performance.

Holistic Athlete Well-being:

Advancing knowledge in nutrition, sports medicine, injury prevention, rehabilitation, and recovery.

Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD):

Contributing to the implementation of LTAD models for sustained athlete success.

Structured Training Programs:

Equipping coaches to design and implement effective training programs aligned with athlete and team objectives.

Hands-on Coaching Experience:

Providing opportunities for practical coaching experience to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world situations.

Comprehensive Education:

Covering sports science principles, biomechanics, physiology, psychology, and technical aspects of the sport.

Registration Details

Level-I Registration Open:

Seize the opportunity to enhance your coaching skills.

Course (Level 1) Fee: 5,000/-

Click Here to download the registration form.